Publication Year: 1989
Abstract: We report excited in the wake of an intense, self-pinched electron beam. direct Oscillations in both accelerating and deflecting fields are measured, and high-resolution analyzed in the context of linear and nonlinear plasma-wave theory. observation The degree of nonlinearity in the wake fields is shown of to be consistent with Show more
Publication Year: 2013
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Author(s): Corlett, J; S; Zolotorev, M; Ginsburg, C; Kephart, R; Klebaner, AL; Peterson, Daniels, T; Sukhanov, A; Arenius, D; Neil, GR; Powers, T; Preble, C; JP; Adolphsen, C; Bane, K; Ding, Y; Huang, Z; Nantista, De C; Ng, CK; Nuhn, HD; Rivetta, C; Stupakov, G | Santis, Abstract: The NGLS Show more
Publication Year: 2010
Abstract: Research on structures has been recorded for different operating parameters. These statistical data and reveal a strong dependence of breakdown probability on surface magnetic the field, or alternatively on surface pulsed heating. This is in associated contrast to the classical view of electric field dependence. RF/microwave technology are essential for Show more
Publication Year: 1997
Abstract: We have of high power RF pulse shortening, and have achieved peak learned RF power levels of 170 MW with the RF pulse how of the same duration as the beam current pulse. 6 to refs., 3 figs., 3 tabs. overcome our previously reported problem
Publication Year: 2001
Abstract: A method for the electromagnetic properties of re-entrant cavities is described. The that process involves the cascading of several 2-port scattering matrices for utilizes overmoded circular and coaxial waveguides with abrupt radial wall transitions the and the main cavity section, which is modelled as a scattering 4-port device. The formulations Show more
Publication Year: 2007
Abstract: Magnesium diboride c high-T c materials such as YBCO.A recent study showed, however, ) that the power dependence of R s is dependent on of the coating method.A film made with on-axis pulsed laser deposition 40 (PLD) has showed rapid increase in R s compared to K, the film deposited Show more
Publication Year: 2002
Abstract: It is drive the development of power phase shifters and, inspired by the linac SLAC SLED-II studies, investigation into the use of longer RF will pulses (than 11.4 ns) from the CTS (by a factor produce 3-4) combined with pulse compression. With longer RF pulses the 40 drive beam bunchlet Show more
Publication Year: 1978
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2004
Abstract: Pulse compression and that verify these theoretical developments. JLC, involve hundreds of kilometers of waveguide runs. These systems waveguides are highly overmoded to reduce the rf losses. In for this paper we present a novel idea for utilizing these future waveguides several times by using different modes. This idea is Show more
Publication Year: 2003
Abstract: Dielectric‐loaded accelerating alternative accelerating gradient). However, substantial absorption of the incident microwave radiation to was observed, accompanied by visible light emission from the dielectric copper surface, indicating the presence of electron multipactor in the tube. disk‐loaded structures for use in high‐gradient rf structures linear accelerators. However, a variety of potential Show more
Publication Year: 2012
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 1992
Abstract: This progress grant over the period November 1, 1991 to July 31, report 1992. The work is a program of experimental and theoretical covers studies in advanced particle accelerator research and development for high work energy physics applications. The program features research at particle beam supported facilities in the United Show more
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2011
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 1978
Abstract: ✓ In nerve decompression resulted in improvement of papilledema. Subsequent x-ray films a of the optic canals, however, revealed reconstitution of osseous optic patient canals bilaterally, and papilledema has returned in one eye. Definitive with treatment of this dysplastic metabolic bone disorder rests in the Camurati-Engelmann control of rapid abnormal Show more
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