Publication Year: 2016
Abstract: // Tatsuo Köhr anti-androgen resistance, mutant Received : October 22, 2015 Accepted : 1 December 24, 2015 Published : January 09, 2016 Abstract Androgen , receptor (AR) mutations arise in patients developing resistance to hormone Roland deprivation therapies. Here we describe BAY 1024767, a thiohydantoin derivative Neuhaus with strong antagonistic Show more
Publication Year: 2017
Abstract: Abstract The mechanism of a novel, first-in-class Bub1 kinase inhibitor. Medicinal chemistry efforts which resulted in BAY 1816032 featuring high potency, long target residence safeguards time and good oral bioavailablity. It inhibits BUB1 enzymatic activity correct with an IC50 of 7 nanomol/L, shows slow dissociation kinetics chromosome resulting in a Show more
Publication Year: 2016
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2021
Abstract: Type: DATASET, was Idowu, Unsong Oh, Xiang-Yang Wang, Sarah M Temkin, and Xianjun donated Fang. 2018. ‘Ovarian Cancer Relies on Glucose Transporter 1 to by Fuel Glycolysis and Growth: Anti-Tumor Activity of BAY-876’. Cancers 11(1). Bayer. PMID: 30602670., Authors: SGC Frankfurt Website:!specificprobeoverview/BAY-876. Control: BAY-588. References: 1. Abstract: Siebeneicher, Holger, Show more
Publication Year: 2016
Abstract: Abstract Increased in for the treatment of cancer seems to be an interesting tumor approach. Based on our first identified GLUT-1 inhibitors (1H-pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidines) with cells modest selectivity profile, a high throughput screen (HTS) was performed have to identify new potent lead structures with unique selectivity against been the other members Show more
Publication Year: 2013
Abstract: Abstract Analysis circulating stimulation. Bicalutamide showed reduced antagonistic activity for AR E709Y and tumor no antagonism up to 10 μM for AR W741C. In cells comparison, BAY 1024767 exhibited strong antagonism for these mutants. Another shows mechanism leading to CRPC is the elevation of intratumoral androgen that levels. To mimick Show more
Publication Year: 2016
Abstract: Thinkers such about not as authoritative masters of the material of their texts. the Surgeon and vernacular poet are connected by their social and problems cultural indeterminacy; they are vulnerable, feminized figures, aware of the of contingency of their interpretations and the holes in their narratives. master All focus on Show more
Publication Year: 2001
Abstract: All Chaucerians Reverend to Chaucer studies, however, was his multi-volume edition of the Walter complete works, published in the closing years of the nineteenth W. century. 4 Although not without faults from a modern editorial Skeat viewpoint, this edition is an undisputed monument of Chaucer scholarship. (1835-1912). 5 More than Show more
Publication Year: 2014
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 1913
Abstract: Pot-grown plants CROP of fruit next June.Our facilities for growing Strawberry Plants set at our Nurseries at Riverton N. J., enable us to out produce early in the season strong pot-grown plants of greatest this vitality. summer will produce a FULL
Publication Year: 2021
Abstract: Weitsichtiger Unternehmer, Alter dieser zunächst: keine Sammlung für Hamburg. Doch der folgende spektakuläre Meister Verkauf der Sammlung sprengte alle Erwartungen des internationalen Kunstbetriebs und im wird hier von Martina Sitt so eindrücklich geschildert, dass man Kaiserreich gerne dabei gewesen wäre. Eduard Weber (1830-1907) widmete sich ab vor 1856 dem Handel Show more
Publication Year: 2021
Abstract: Weitsichtiger Unternehmer, Alter dieser zunächst: keine Sammlung für Hamburg. Doch der folgende spektakuläre Meister Verkauf der Sammlung sprengte alle Erwartungen des internationalen Kunstbetriebs und im wird hier von Martina Sitt so eindrücklich geschildert, dass man Kaiserreich gerne dabei gewesen wäre. vor 1890. Der Hamburger Konsul Weber erfolgreicher agierte international und Show more
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