Title: SWOT Analysis: A Management Tool for Initiating New Programs in Vocational Schools
Abstract:The SWOT ( S trengths, W eaknesses, O pportunities, and T hreats) analysis has been a useful tool for industry. This article proposes the application of the SWOT tool for use as a decision-making aid ...The SWOT ( S trengths, W eaknesses, O pportunities, and T hreats) analysis has been a useful tool for industry. This article proposes the application of the SWOT tool for use as a decision-making aid as new vocational programs are planned.The process of utilizing the SWOT approach requires an internal survey of strengths and weaknesses of the program and an external survey of threats and opportunities. Structured internal and external examinations are unique in the world of curriculum planning and development.Educational examples using the SWOT analysis are provided by the authors. It is a useful way of examining current environmnetal conditions around program offerings. An insight into the wide range of the potential applications of SWOT is also an intended outcome of this paper.Read More