Title: „A cacek też dużo było”. Zabawki dziecięce na ziemiach polskich w średniowieczu i w epoce nowożytnej
Abstract:“The Toys Were Plentiful”. Children’s Toys in Polish Lands during the Middle Ages and the Modern EraChildren have been playing since time immemorial, with pebbles, sticks and fruit as their first play...“The Toys Were Plentiful”. Children’s Toys in Polish Lands during the Middle Ages and the Modern EraChildren have been playing since time immemorial, with pebbles, sticks and fruit as their first playthings. In time games involved specially prepared objects. Different cultures and periods feature similar toys due to certain regularities of a child’s development and similarities governing the progress of societies. Children’s toys from the past can be divided into several groups taking into consideration such criteria as the child’s age and gender and the function of the given toy. The first group thus includes toys associated with infancy and early childhood, such as rattles. The slightly older child played with spinning wheels and pin wheels. At the consecutive stage toys differed depending on the child’s gender and future duties, with the youngsters imitating the observed occupations and behaviour of the adults. Girls “assuming” the roles of grown women had “girlish” toys preparing them for maternity – they played with dolls, which fulfilled the function of children, and the games of future housewives involved miniature cooking utensils and furniture as well as doll houses. Since masculine occupations were much more numerous and varied boys had their disposal miniature tools preparing them for assorted professional roles and crafts (boats, wagons). The most popular boys’ toys were connected with the military occupations of grown men – weapons, toy soldiers, and hobby horses. Children also played with religious objects while imitating priests officiating at funerals, celebrating Holy Mass, etc. With the passage of time, the development of civilisation, growing specialisations and the rise of new professions the range of toys increased and became diversified.Read More