Title: Solar sails: a novel approach to interplanetary travel
Abstract:Acknowledgements.- Preface.- Foreword. Part I: Space Engines: Past and Present.- A Historical Introduction to Space Propulsion.- The Rocket: How It Works in Space.- Rocket Problems and Limitations- No...Acknowledgements.- Preface.- Foreword. Part I: Space Engines: Past and Present.- A Historical Introduction to Space Propulsion.- The Rocket: How It Works in Space.- Rocket Problems and Limitations- Non-Rocket-In-Space Propulsion.- The Solar-Sail Reality: from the Oceans to Space.- Part II Space Mission by Sail.- Principles of Space Sailing.- What is a Space Sailcraft?- Sails vs. Rockets.- Exploring and Developing Space by Sailcraft.- Riding a Beam of Light.- Part III Construction of Sailcraft.- Designing a Solar Sail.- Building a Sailcraft.- Progress to Date.- Future Plans.- Part IV Breakthroughs in Space.- The IKAROS/JAXA Mission.- The NanoSail-D2/NASA Mission.- New Projects in Progress.- Part V Space Sailing: Some Technical Aspects.- Space Sources of Light.- Modeling Thrust via Electromagnetic Radiation Pressure and Diffraction- Sailcraft Trajectories.- Sails in Space Environment.Read More