Title: Reproductive Periodicity, Fecundity and Sex Ratio of Goldfish Carassius auratus (Perciformes: Cyprinidae) Under Laboratory Condition
Abstract:The present study showed that Carassius auratus, breeds within September to March in freshwater and laboratory condition.It is a single breeder and highest percentage of gravid female occurs in Decemb...The present study showed that Carassius auratus, breeds within September to March in freshwater and laboratory condition.It is a single breeder and highest percentage of gravid female occurs in December (87.5%).The GSI and GLI ranged from 2.43 to 8.0 and 2.38 to 25.03 respectively.Both GSI and GLI were highest in December (8.0) and (25.03) but lowest value of GSI was in September and GLI was in August.The mature and ripe ova occur in December (1.48±0.03),January (1.42±0.04)and February (1.39±0.07).The relationship between fecundity and total length; fecundity and body weight; fecundity and ovary weight were -11545+1066x, r = 0.64; -62418+2402x, r = 0.87 and -11494+13x, r = 0.99 respectively.Read More