Title: [Telenomus (Aholcus) lebedae sp. nov., an egg parasite of Lebeda nibilis Walker (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae).]
Abstract:Telenomus (Aholcus) lebedae, parasting in eggs of Lebeda nobilis Walker, is des-cribed as new to science. Type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Aca-demia Sinica. Telenomus (Aholcus...Telenomus (Aholcus) lebedae, parasting in eggs of Lebeda nobilis Walker, is des-cribed as new to science. Type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Aca-demia Sinica. Telenomus (Aholcus) lebedae, sp. nov. Length: ? 0.95--1.20 mm, ? 0.75--0.95 mm. Very much similar to Telenomus(Aholcus) dendrolimusi Chu, but its vertex carinate; basal stripes of 2nd abdominaltergite extending to 1/4 segment-length; and its genitalia also different as shown infigures. Holotype ?, allotype ?, paratypes 6? 5?, all from Dao Xian, Hunan. 1977Ⅶ, 20(Ma Wan-yan coll.).Read More