Title: Neo-Latin Drama in Spain, Portugal and Latin America
Abstract:Fonseca y Figueroa in 1606, and Dissertationes criticae by Esteban Manuel de Villegas (1589-1669) were never printed. 2 At Salamanca, Spanish versions of Amphitruo were written by Franciscus Lupius de...Fonseca y Figueroa in 1606, and Dissertationes criticae by Esteban Manuel de Villegas (1589-1669) were never printed. 2 At Salamanca, Spanish versions of Amphitruo were written by Franciscus Lupius de Villalobos (1473-1549) as a student (Alcalá de Henares 1515 and 1517), and by Fernandus Peresius de Oliva (1494-c.1532).The translations, Amphitruo (Toledo 1554) and Los menechmos and El milite glorioso (Antwerp 1555), were followed by The Comedy of Amphitrion (Valencia 1559) freely translated by Juan Timoneda so that it could be performed.In his abbreviated version in prose of Los Menennos, Timoneda located the action in Seville and Valencia; he imitated La Celestina and introduced the pedantic doctor Averroes with his servant, who converses in Latin with his brother Lazarillo de Tormes.After the lost translation by the prebendary Bernardino at Salamanca around 1539, Petrus Simon Aprilis (Read More