Title: Technology and the lifeworld: from garden to earth
Abstract:Preface Introduction: Entry Level 1. From Garden to Earth 2. Technology and the Lifeworld 3. Lifeworld: Praxis and Perception HeideggerOs Hammer HusserlOs Galileo Merleau-PontyOs Father 4. Adam and Ga...Preface Introduction: Entry Level 1. From Garden to Earth 2. Technology and the Lifeworld 3. Lifeworld: Praxis and Perception HeideggerOs Hammer HusserlOs Galileo Merleau-PontyOs Father 4. Adam and Galileo Lifeworld Technics: Time Perception Lifeworld Technics: Space Perception Artifacts and Technofacts 5. Program One: A Phenomenology of Technics Technics Embodied Hermeneutic Technics Alterity Relations Background Relations Horizontal Phenomena Eve and the Spaceship Dreams of Totalization 6. Program Two: Cultural Hermeneutics Technology Transfer: Technologies as Cultural Instruments Neocolonialism as the Failure of Tranfer OControllingO Technology Techology-Culture Embeddedness as Multistable The Varieties of Technological Experience Adam and EveOs Culinary Revolution 7. Program Three: Lifeworld Shapes Pluriculturality Decisional Burden Materializing the Conceptual Oscillatory Phenomena 8. Epilogue: The Earth Inherited Stwardship Recommendations for the Inherited Earth To Conserve the Earth Demythologizing (and Demasculinizing) Technological Science Galileo in the Kitchen Concluding Postscript on Technological Science IndexRead More