Abstract:Support vector machines and distance minimization by E. Carrizosa 0-1 semidefinite programming for graph-cut clustering: Modelling and approximation by H. Chen and J. Peng Artificial attributes in ana...Support vector machines and distance minimization by E. Carrizosa 0-1 semidefinite programming for graph-cut clustering: Modelling and approximation by H. Chen and J. Peng Artificial attributes in analyzing biomedical databases by Z. Csizmadia, P. L. Hammer, and B. Vizvari Recent advances in mathematical programming for classification and cluster analysis by Y.-J. Fan, C. Iyigun, and W. A. Chaovalitwongse Nonlinear skeletons of data sets and applications-Methods based on subspace clustering by P. G. Georgiev Current classification algorithms for biomedical applications by M. R. Guarracino, S. Cuciniello, D. Feminiano, G. Toraldo, and P. M. Pardalos Bilevel model selection for support vector machines by M. Kunapuli, K. P. Bennett, J. Hu, and J.-S. Pang Algorithms for detecting complete and partial horizontal gene transfers: Theory and practice by V. Makarenkov, A. Boc, A. Boubacar Diallo, and A. Banire Diallo Nonlinear knowledge in kernel machines by O. L. Mangasarian and E. W. Wild Ultrametric embedding: Application to data fingerprinting and to fast data clustering by F. Murtagh Selective linear and nonlinear classification by O. Seref, O. E. Kundakcioglu, and P.M. Pardalos.Read More