Title: Records of horseflies in Northeast Asia : Diptera, Tabanidae
Abstract:Described as new are : Chrysops dissecta subsp. apuncta, Tabanus haysi (holotype ♀ from Korea), T. auriventer (holotype ♀ from Korea), T. buddah subsp. auricauda (holotype ♀ from Szechuan), T. loukash...Described as new are : Chrysops dissecta subsp. apuncta, Tabanus haysi (holotype ♀ from Korea), T. auriventer (holotype ♀ from Korea), T. buddah subsp. auricauda (holotype ♀ from Szechuan), T. loukashkini and Hybomitra montana subsp. manchuriensis (holotype ♀ from Manchuria). H. olsoufievi n. n. is proposed for H. tetrica (Szilady, preoccupied by Marten). New data on species of Tabanidae in Korea and Manchuria are provided.Read More