Abstract:The following mutant strains of D. pseudoobscura were used: (I) yellow, singed, vermilion, compressed, short (y, sn, v, CO, sh), ( 2 ) orange (or), (3) orange purple (or pr), (4) white ( w ) , (5) ari...The following mutant strains of D. pseudoobscura were used: (I) yellow, singed, vermilion, compressed, short (y, sn, v, CO, sh), ( 2 ) orange (or), (3) orange purple (or pr), (4) white ( w ) , (5) aristapedia (ast), and (6) Bare Curly (Ba Cy).Mutants affecting different parts of the body are included in this list: a body color mutant yellow; eye color mutants vermilion, orange, purple, and white; bristle mutants singed and Bare; wing mutants short and Curly; and an antenna mutant aristapedia.With the exception of Bare and Curly, which are dominant and lethal when homozygous, all other mutants are recessive and viable in homozygous condition.The wild type flies used were obtained from a Piiion Flats (California) strain.In the experiments on different claises of backcross hybrids it was necessary to obtain strains of the two species, D. pseudoobscura and D. persimilis, which carried appropriate mutant markers in each chromosome except the small fifth which is not under genetic control.D. pseudoobscura females carrying sexlinked recessives yellow (y), singed (m), vermilion (v) compressed (CO), and short (sh), and the second chromosome dominant Bare (Ba), were mated to males of the same species heterozygous for Curly (Cy) associated with an inversion in the fourth chromosome.The FI daughters which showed Ba and Cy were selected and mated to y sn v CO sh males.Among the progeny, only y CO sh Ba Cy flies were selected and crossed to D. persimilis homozygous for aRead More