Title: SPATIAL UNITS ARRANGEMENTS OF THE DOUBLE-INCOME COUPLE FROM THE VIEW POINT OF THE INDIVIDUALIZATION : A basic study on the spacial structure of multi-story housing Part 3
Abstract:This paper aims to clarify the composition of the spatial units arrangements of the double-income couple from the view point of 'Individualization'. For this analysis,the planning method of dwellings ...This paper aims to clarify the composition of the spatial units arrangements of the double-income couple from the view point of 'Individualization'. For this analysis,the planning method of dwellings by scenario approach was adopted to the 5 couples.This method consists of two processes,writing scenario of self-realization and making the figure of spatial units arrangements. The findings are as follows. 1) Except for the office-space, no private space is directly connected to the common corridor, and, if the couple admit another individual to use common-space, guest-space can not connect to the common corridor. 2) Most of the equipments are set up at the common-space. But, in the figure of spatial units arrangements 10 years later,some of the equipments are set up at the private-space.Read More