Title: Making and Breaking Settler Space: Five Centuries of Colonization in North America by Adam J. Barker
Abstract:MAKING AND BREAKING SETTLER SPACE: Five Centuries of Colonization ("Making and Breaking Settler Space") is a powerful piece published in the area of Indigenous studies and embodies a spatially focusse...MAKING AND BREAKING SETTLER SPACE: Five Centuries of Colonization ("Making and Breaking Settler Space") is a powerful piece published in the area of Indigenous studies and embodies a spatially focussed synthesis of settler colonial literature. The book offers an innovative account of the ways space, power, and identity are produced in settler colonial societies and identifies the cracks, flows, and failures that expose the fragility of the settler colonial assemblage. Adam J. Barker's work provides theoretical and practical ideas on how to confront and dismantle the settler colonial project through these cracks, which ultimately becomes the text's raison d'être.Read More