Title: A Comprehensive Analysis and Ranking of Barriers to implement lean practices in chemical management of Leather Tanning Industries in Bangladesh
Abstract:The leather tanning industry is essential to Bangladesh's economy, significantly boosting employment and economic growth in the country. More than a million Bangladeshis work in this sector, which pro...The leather tanning industry is essential to Bangladesh's economy, significantly boosting employment and economic growth in the country. More than a million Bangladeshis work in this sector, which provides chances for both skilled and unskilled labor.But the chemical management component of tanneries carries inherent hazards, hence existing approaches need to be reassessed and redesigned. However, there are significant obstacles to improving the tanneries' working conditions and productivity in the chemical management part. To develop productivity and safety, lean is an option that needs to be explored more widely in the tannery context. Through interviews with industry expertsand a careful evaluation of the body of current literature, this study has identified potential barriers to starting lean practices in the chemical management of the production floorAfter the literature review, the barriers are analyzed using the MCDM tool to rank them according to the collected data. The barriers will be ranked using the Best Worst method. In order to overcome these significant obstacles and enable the successful adoption of lean techniques for sustainable chemical management in Bangladeshi leather tanning, policymakers, tannery owners, and development organizations can benefit significantly from the information provided by this study.Read More