Title: Occurrences of vascular plants in the western part of Baikal-Amur Mainline
Abstract:Northern part of Lake Baikal has very sparse botanical studies which are usually concentrated on investigations of mountain ridges or river valleys. Floristic information for this region with detailed...Northern part of Lake Baikal has very sparse botanical studies which are usually concentrated on investigations of mountain ridges or river valleys. Floristic information for this region with detailed distribution maps of vascular plant species is summarized in the book by M.M. Ivanova and A.A. Chepurnov “Flora of western part of developing regions of Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM)” (Ivanova and Chepurnov 1983). All available maps from this book have been digitized and localities of vascular plants organized in separate dataset. The dataset includes 9972 occurrences for 770 vascular plant species and subspecies at the northern part of Lake Baikal (western part of Baikal-Amur Mainline). The dataset contains information on species distribution in the hard accessible mountainous region with very few floristic studies.Read More