Title: New records of Phlaeothripinae from New Caledonia, with the description of a new species of Adraneothrips Hood (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae)
Abstract:This dataset contains the digitized treatments in Plazi based on the original journal article Goldarazena, Arturo, Michel, Bruno (2022): New records of Phlaeothripinae from New Caledonia, with the des...This dataset contains the digitized treatments in Plazi based on the original journal article Goldarazena, Arturo, Michel, Bruno (2022): New records of Phlaeothripinae from New Caledonia, with the description of a new species of Adraneothrips Hood (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae). Zootaxa 5094 (1): 169-176, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5094.1.7Read More