Title: Amanita pallidoverruca, a new species of Amanita section Validae from the Hengduan Mountains, southwestern China
Abstract:This dataset contains the digitized treatments in Plazi based on the original journal article Cui, Yang-Yang, Yang, Zhu L., Cai, Qing (2022): Amanita pallidoverruca, a new species of Amanita section V...This dataset contains the digitized treatments in Plazi based on the original journal article Cui, Yang-Yang, Yang, Zhu L., Cai, Qing (2022): Amanita pallidoverruca, a new species of Amanita section Validae from the Hengduan Mountains, southwestern China. Phytotaxa 542 (1): 73-82, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.542.1.6, URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.542.1.6Read More