Title: Two new species of Fusicolla (Hypocreales) from China
Abstract:This dataset contains the digitized treatments in Plazi based on the original journal article Liu, Chang, Zhuang, Wen-Ying, Yu, Zhi-He, Zeng, Zhao-Qing (2022): Two new species of Fusicolla (Hypocreale...This dataset contains the digitized treatments in Plazi based on the original journal article Liu, Chang, Zhuang, Wen-Ying, Yu, Zhi-He, Zeng, Zhao-Qing (2022): Two new species of Fusicolla (Hypocreales) from China. Phytotaxa 536 (2): 165-174, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.536.2.5Read More