Title: A Broadband Mechanically-Tuned Superconducting Cavity Design Suitable for the Fermilab Main Injector
Abstract:Radio Frequency (RF) superconductivity has been a mainstay of accelerator science for decades.However, its benefits have yet to be applied to proton synchrotrons with demanding tuning requirements.For...Radio Frequency (RF) superconductivity has been a mainstay of accelerator science for decades.However, its benefits have yet to be applied to proton synchrotrons with demanding tuning requirements.For example, the Main Injector (MI), Fermilab's high-energy proton synchrotron, currently utilizes 20+ ferrite-loaded cavities for a targeted 1.2 s acceleration cycle.Harnessing the extremely high gradients associated with superconductivity, the required number of cavities could be reduced by an order of magnitude, dramatically lowering operational power requirements even with cryogenic considerations.Additionally, the current plans for the Fermilab Accelerator Complex Evolution (ACE) initiative involve almost doubling the number of cavities in MI if the same designs are to be used, further highlighting the potential benefits of superconductivity.These advantages are attractive, but to date, no tunable superconducting cavity suitable for MI has been proposed due to the incompatibility of conventional broadband tuning methods with superconductivity.Here, we present a tunable superconducting cavity concept capable of record-breaking performance.Tuning will be accomplished by using high-speed linear actuators to vary the insertion depth of metallic plungers into the cavity volume.This tuning concept is theoretically viable with currently available technology and will be fully compatible with a superconducting cavity.Read More