Title: 3D Displacements for February 2023 Turkey-Syria Earthquake Doublet
Abstract:These displacement maps are derived from abundant space geodetic data. We used five different techniques in the derivation, including Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometric (InSAR), Range Split Spec...These displacement maps are derived from abundant space geodetic data. We used five different techniques in the derivation, including Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometric (InSAR), Range Split Spectrum Interferometry (RSSI), Multiple Aperture Interferometry (MAI), Burst Overlap Interferometry (BOI) and Pixel Offset Tracking (POT). Slip3d.gmt is our slip distribution. If you used our results, please cite the below references. [1] Ma Zhang-Feng, Li Chenglong, Jiang Yu, Chen Yukuan, Yin Xinzhong, Yosuke Aoki, Yun Sangho, Wei Shengji*, et.al. "Space Geodetic Insights to the Dramatic Stress Rotation Induced by the February 2023 Turkey-Syria Earthquake Doublet" Submitted to GRL.Read More