Title: Rossi, Maria Alessia and Alice Isabella Sullivan, eds. Eclecticism in Late Medieval Visual Culture at the Crossroads of the Latin, Greek, and Slavic Traditions (Sense, Matter, and Medium 6). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2022 [ISBN: 9783110693164]
Abstract:Book review of Rossi, Maria Alessia and Alice Isabella Sullivan, eds. Eclecticism in Late Medieval Visual Culture at the Crossroads of the Latin, Greek, and Slavic Traditions (Sense, Matter, and Mediu...Book review of Rossi, Maria Alessia and Alice Isabella Sullivan, eds. Eclecticism in Late Medieval Visual Culture at the Crossroads of the Latin, Greek, and Slavic Traditions (Sense, Matter, and Medium 6). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2022 [ISBN: 9783110693164]Read More