Title: Strategizing: Theory and Practice: Collection of Selected Research Articles and Proceedings of the Seventh International Research-to-practice Conference (03/29/2024-03/30/2024). Vol. XIV. Book II. Kuzbass Region Strategic Universitarium
Abstract:The Collection contains selected research articles and proceedings of participants of the session «Kuzbass Region Strategic Universitarium» of the Sixth International Research-to-Practice Conference «...The Collection contains selected research articles and proceedings of participants of the session «Kuzbass Region Strategic Universitarium» of the Sixth International Research-to-Practice Conference «Strategizing: Theory and Practice». The Kuzbass Region session of the conference is attended by members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professors, doctors of sciences, PhD candidates, postgraduate students and graduates, researchers and professionals in the field of strategizing, heads of industrial enterprises of various levels and industries from many regions of Russia, including from Moscow, Kuzbass Region, St. Petersburg, as well as foreign researchers from Armenia, China, France, Germany, Israel, Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Slovenia, USA, and Republic of Uzbekistan. Research studies describe the theoretical, methodological and practical issues of regional and regional-sectoral strategies. Research articles and proceedings of the conference published in this collection are useful for researchers and scientists, practitioners in the field of strategizing, as well as postgraduates, graduates students and students of higher educational institutions.Read More