Title: New data on the distribution of three species of the genus Catocala Schrank in East Kazakhstan and West Mongolia (Lepidoptera: Erebidae)
Abstract:Three Central Asian species of the genus Catocala Schrank, 1802, Catocala neglecta Staudinger, 1888, Catocala repudiata Staudinger, 1888, and Catocala desiderata Staudinger, 1888 are found in the vall...Three Central Asian species of the genus Catocala Schrank, 1802, Catocala neglecta Staudinger, 1888, Catocala repudiata Staudinger, 1888, and Catocala desiderata Staudinger, 1888 are found in the valley of the upper Irtysh River in the east of the Zaisan Depression, East Kazakhstan. Catocala neglecta is also found in the northern spurs of the Saur Mountains. Catocala repudiata Staudinger, 1888 is reported from Mongolia (Khovd Aimak) for the first time. The new distribution data represent the northernmost known localities of all three species. Adults and habitats are illustrated, and distribution maps are provided.Read More