Title: Preservation and Promotion of Literacy through Performing Arts Education of Chuanjiang Haozi in Chongqing Province, China
Abstract:Chuanjiang Haozi, a distinctive form of folk music originating from the Yangtze River Basin in Chongqing, China, serves as a unique cultural treasure, blending utility with artistic expression. This s...Chuanjiang Haozi, a distinctive form of folk music originating from the Yangtze River Basin in Chongqing, China, serves as a unique cultural treasure, blending utility with artistic expression. This study aims to investigate the preservation and promotion of literacy through performing arts education in Chuanjiang Haozi in Chongqing Province, China. Through a comprehensive research approach, including interviews with key informants who are inheritors of this art form, this study delves into the preservation and promotion strategies for Chuanjiang Haozi. The research site encompasses the Chuanjiang River system, spanning Chongqing and Sichuan, where this art form has deep historical roots. The two key informants were interviewed to gather essential information for this study, including prominent inheritors of Chuanjiang Haozi, providing valuable insights into its cultural significance and preservation challenges. The data analysis process involves transcription, coding, categorization, and theme identification, enabling a comprehensive understanding of the research topic. The research results advocate for a multifaceted approach, including the establishment of digital museums, festival tourism, legal support, and funding for inheritors, to ensure the continued preservation and promotion of Chuanjiang Haozi. These strategies aim to integrate tradition with modernity, safeguarding this intangible cultural heritage for future generations.Read More