Title: Recent Data on Summer Birds of the Upper Yukon River, Alaska, and Adjacent Part of the Yukon Territory, Canada
Abstract:ACCOUNTGavia immer-CoMMON Loon.Several taking off from the river in front of the were seen, or heard calling in 1966 as follows: 12 June, near Kathul Mt.; 1 July, mouth of Nation River; 3 July, mouth ...ACCOUNTGavia immer-CoMMON Loon.Several taking off from the river in front of the were seen, or heard calling in 1966 as follows: 12 June, near Kathul Mt.; 1 July, mouth of Nation River; 3 July, mouth of Kandik River (several); and 9 July, heard calling at Circle.Gavia arctica-Arctic Loon.Less frequently seen than Gavia immer.On 19 June 1966, one was seen and heard calling at Eagle and on 23 June two were seen near the Nation River.The few records may reflect the lack of our observations of inland ponds, rather than actual numerical status.Gavia stellata -Rep-THROATED Loon.We did not observe it in 1966, but saw one bird that may have been this species in 1968.Cade saw it on two occasions in 1951.Podiceps grisegena -RED-NECKED GREBE.Our only record is the remains of one found in a peregrine falcon aerie in 1966.Cade recorded one in 1951.Read More