Title: Reading Between the Lines: a Critical Analysis of Representation in English Textbooks for Telangana State Government Schools
Abstract:This paper discusses the presence of gender bias in English textbooks used in government schools in Telangana, South India. The analysis covers various aspects, including the representation of male an...This paper discusses the presence of gender bias in English textbooks used in government schools in Telangana, South India. The analysis covers various aspects, including the representation of male and female characters, social and domestic roles assigned to them, the order of appearance in phrases, and the visual representations in illustrations. The key findings include an uneven distribution of male and female characters, with males predominating. Males are assigned a wider range of social roles, while females are often portrayed in stereotypical domestic roles such as homemakers. The order of appearance in phrases tends to favor males. In visual representations, females are shown more frequently engaging in housework, while males are depicted more often in activities outside the home, suggesting a gender imbalance. The biased and stereotypical gender representation in the textbooks may influence young learners' perceptions and contribute to gender disparity in society. Hence it is recommended that instructional materials may be revised to provide quality education without biases.Read More