Title: Exploration of prognostic predictors in Vikruteha vignaneeyam chapter of Ashtanga Sangraha
Abstract:Ashtanga Sangraha is a popular Ayurvedic classical text written by Vriddha Vagbhata or Vagbhata I in Sanskrit language around 500 AD. It has earned its right place among the great treatises of Ayurved...Ashtanga Sangraha is a popular Ayurvedic classical text written by Vriddha Vagbhata or Vagbhata I in Sanskrit language around 500 AD. It has earned its right place among the great treatises of Ayurveda. Vagbhata has compiled prognostic aspects within 4 chapters (from 9 to 12) of Shareera Sthana of Ashtanga Sangraha (SSAS). Vikruteha Vignaneeyam is the 10th chapter of SSAS and it is the compilation of various Arishta Lakshanas pertaining to abnormal behaviour or psychomotor activity suggestive of fatal signs and symptoms explained within 35 verses. Ashtanga Sangraha has not received much attention and the research done in this area is negligible. The present work is aimed to analyse the contents of Vikruteha Vignaneeyam chapter of SSAS in terms of prognostic significance and current relevance. Contents of the Vikruteha Vignaneeyam chapter represent various terminal illnesses or end-of-life stages. Vagbhata has done comprehensive presentation of Arishta Vignana (prognostic knowledge) with concise explanations in Vikruteha Vignaneeyam chapter of SSAS.Read More