Title: Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa „Wybory i prawo wyborcze. Standardy, gwarancje, praktyka”, Poznań, 2–3 marca 2023 r.
Abstract:hosted a scientific conference, "Elections and Electoral Law.Standards, Safeguards, Practice." It was organised by lawyers and political scientists who deal with the issues of elections and electoral ...hosted a scientific conference, "Elections and Electoral Law.Standards, Safeguards, Practice." It was organised by lawyers and political scientists who deal with the issues of elections and electoral law on a daily basis.It is worth noting that this was already the seventh edition of this very important and well-recognised scientific undertaking among election researchers.The event was held under the patronage of local authorities, including Marshal of the Wielkopolska Region, District Governor of Poznań, Mayor of Poznań; local legal professional associations: District Chamber of Legal Advisers in Poznań, Wielkopolska Bar Association, Chamber of Notaries in Poznań and Chamber of Bailiffs in Poznań.Due to the subject matter of the conference, the patrons of the event included, as in previous years, the National Electoral Commission and the National Electoral Office.Other patrons included the Polish Society of Constitutional Law and the Polish Political Science Association.Interestingly, for the first time, the organisers have also invited the Batory Foundation to co-organise the event, entrusting it with the status of an expert partner.In keeping with the organisers' intentions, the purpose of the conference was to exchange opinions and views and to present the results of research into the broader issues of elections and electoral law, in particular standards and safeguards for democratic elections, electoral behaviour, the practice of applying electoral law, and threats to the electoral process. 1 Addressing these issues apRead More