Title: Atomic Zincophilic Sites Regulating Microspace Electric Fields for Dendrite‐Free Zinc Anode (Adv. Mater. 1/2024)
Abstract:Zinc Anodes In article number 2307219, Huanlei Wang, Jingyi Wu, Guihua Yu, and co-workers report Co single atoms as an electrolyte additive to facilitate dendrite-free zinc anodes. The additive can be...Zinc Anodes In article number 2307219, Huanlei Wang, Jingyi Wu, Guihua Yu, and co-workers report Co single atoms as an electrolyte additive to facilitate dendrite-free zinc anodes. The additive can be preferentially adsorbed on the zinc surface in which the atomically dispersed zincophilic active site with strong charge polarization effect regulates the microspace electric field at the Zn–electrolyte interphase, thus promoting uniform zinc deposition.Read More