Title: Historical Evolution and Cultural Identity of National Dance: Taking Andai Dance as the Research Object
Abstract:The Andai Dance is a traditional folk dance that spreads in the Horqin area of Inner Mongolia. It has strong local and national characteristics, and the dance style is passionate and generous, fully e...The Andai Dance is a traditional folk dance that spreads in the Horqin area of Inner Mongolia. It has strong local and national characteristics, and the dance style is passionate and generous, fully expressing the true feelings of the Mongolian people. It is a form of expression of national folk art integrated with singing and dancing performance and music singing. This paper profoundly explores and studies the inheritance and development of Mongolian Andai Dance in Horqin Grassland, including the form and characteristics of traditional Andai Dance. Understand the evolution of the movement and function of Andai Dance, let the new Andai Dance inherit the most vivid musical and dance elements of the traditional Andai Dance, protect and inherit the traditional culture, and explore the new development trend of Andai Dance in professional creation, performance, and mass popularization.Read More