Title: Tra "La Rigenerazione" e "La coscienza di Zeno" di Italo Svevo: alla ricerca di un nuovo paradigma drammatico
Abstract:In 2022 Italian Studies of the University of Lodz and the ItaliAMO Students Scientific Circle celebrated their anniversaries of activity. As a part of those two important jubilees (accordingly – eleve...In 2022 Italian Studies of the University of Lodz and the ItaliAMO Students Scientific Circle celebrated their anniversaries of activity. As a part of those two important jubilees (accordingly – eleventh and tenth) there was organized a series of cultural and scientific events related to Italian culture and language, among others the international conference a result of which is the present monograph. Referring to the SKN ItaliAMO’s mission, we chose Promotion of Italian Studies in the Academic and Non-Academic Environment as the leading topic of the conference. The volume contains scientific papers devoted particularly to Italian language didactics in various contexts, to the influence of Polish language on the Italian language or linguistic politics of fascism. Those texts in the remaining two disciplines concern, among others, such writers as Dante, Leopardi, Artusi, Svevo or Romano as well as the Renaissance art.Read More