Title: Green Smart Cities: A Bibliometric Analysis and Science Mapping Method
Abstract:As a novel topic, green smart cities are gaining acceptance.With a focus on green smart cities, this study employed the Science mapping method and VOS viewer science mapping to analyze research papers...As a novel topic, green smart cities are gaining acceptance.With a focus on green smart cities, this study employed the Science mapping method and VOS viewer science mapping to analyze research papers from the Web of Science database.This analysis method has been widely adopted as a research instrument for investigating a specific field of knowledge or for visualizing networks to provide a more complete picture of a particular topic.The analysis identified the most crucial journals, keywords, co-authorships, authors, and countries active in the field of green and smart city research.The study also provided an overview of the literature on green and smart cities and linked research topics with the trend of research development to serve as a reference for future researchers.In addition, it can also guide the government to formulate appropriate policies to promote the development of green smart cities.Read More