Title: On affine Weyl group elements of positive Coxeter type
Abstract:We introduce a class of elements of the Iwahori-Weyl group of a reductive group that we call positive Coxeter elements. This class consists of elements which are linked to partial Coxeter elements in ...We introduce a class of elements of the Iwahori-Weyl group of a reductive group that we call positive Coxeter elements. This class consists of elements which are linked to partial Coxeter elements in the finite Weyl group in a certain canonical way, extending the more restrictive notion of finite Coxeter part previously introduced by He-Nie-Yu. We that the affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties associated with such elements have a very simple and explicitly described geometric structure. Conversely, we explain how some of these geometric properties can be used to characterize elements of positive Coxeter type.Read More