Title: Macrofossil assemblages as a key to insight into the mire flora development (a case study in the Kaliningrad Region of Russia)
Abstract:Based on analysis of the plant macrofossil composition in the peat deposits, we can identify the environments these plants were formed and developed. This paper is aimed at a detailed study of the mac...Based on analysis of the plant macrofossil composition in the peat deposits, we can identify the environments these plants were formed and developed. This paper is aimed at a detailed study of the macrofossil assemblages from the peat deposits in the Wittgirrensky peatland, which is a study site of the Rossyanka Carbon Polygon in the Kaliningrad Region. The conclusions of the study may contribute to the general insight into the mire flora development in the SouthEastern Baltic region. In total, 85 types of plant and animal macroremains were found in the peat and gyttja samples from the Wittgirrensky peatland, representing 39 different taxonomic groups, which were combined into 6 main macrofossil assemblage zones: 1) Salix-Phragmites, 2) Carex-Drepanocladus, 3) Pinus-Ericaceae, 4) Sphagnum magellanicum, 5) Sphagnum fuscum, 6) Sphagnum-Ericaceae.Read More