Title: The problem of toxoplasmosis in outpatient practice. Part III. Toxoplasmosis in pregnants and congenital toxoplasmosis
Abstract:Congenital toxoplasmosis is a consequence of acute toxoplasmosis in a pregnant woman. When assessing the risk of сongenital toxoplasmosis during pregnancy, methods for determining specific antibodies,...Congenital toxoplasmosis is a consequence of acute toxoplasmosis in a pregnant woman. When assessing the risk of сongenital toxoplasmosis during pregnancy, methods for determining specific antibodies, the genetic material of the pathogen (polymerase chain reaction method), immunoglobulins G avidity are used. Molecular genetic methods have the greatest diagnostic value in the diagnosis of сongenital toxoplasmosis in children of the first year of life. Drug prevention of сongenital toxoplasmosis in Russia can be implemented with the use of spiramycin, antenatal therapy is impossible, and postnatal therapy is limited by the list of available antiprotozoal drugs. For the prevention of сongenital toxoplasmosis, the awareness of the population about the ways and factors of transmission of the pathogen is of primary importance.Read More