Title: Features of the temperament of track and field athletics depending on their sports specialization
Abstract:The purpose of the study was to study the individual typological characteristics of track and field athletes, depending on the specialization and level of sports qualifications. The study involved 30 ...The purpose of the study was to study the individual typological characteristics of track and field athletes, depending on the specialization and level of sports qualifications. The study involved 30 athletes, a total of 30 elite athletes participated in the study; the average age of the respondents was 23.5 years, among them 21 athletes have had the titles of Honored Master of Sports, Master of Sports of International Degree, Master of Sport. To assess the individual typological characteristics of athletes, the method of G. Aizenk was used. The results of the study showed that there are significant differences in the individual typological characteristics of track and field athletes in different types of specializations. It was revealed that among the athletes of speed and power athletics (short sprint, long jump, triple jump, high jump and pole vault), athletes of predominantly sanguine and choleric-melancholic temperament types predominate. Among the athletes of the speed–strength endurance group (400 m runners), there are athletes with a bright predominance of a mixed type of sanguine-choleric. In the group of athletes with a specialization in endurance (middle- and long-distance runners), athletes of a sanguine-phlegmatic type of temperament predominate in 75% of cases. The conducted research with the participation of successful and highly qualified athletes makes it possible to identify those individual typological features of athletes that can be considered as models during selecting athletes for various types of specializations.Read More