Title: Incidence Mapping of Calamansi Pests and Diseases in Victoria, Oriental Mindoro Through Geographic Information System (GIS)
Abstract:The study was conducted to develop a Geographic Information System (GIS) – based approach for Calamansi pests and diseases monitoring and management. It aims to determine the current status of citrus ...The study was conducted to develop a Geographic Information System (GIS) – based approach for Calamansi pests and diseases monitoring and management. It aims to determine the current status of citrus pests and disease incidence in Victoria, Oriental Mindoro. Detailed maps of the prevalent pests and diseases were generated which can serve as a basis for the management and implementation of control measures. Results showed that the most widespread calamansi disease in the area is the citrus canker while the areas with the most incidences of citrus diseases are Alcate, Antonino, and San Antonio. Moreover, the most prevalent insect pest affecting citrus production in the area is the citrus rind borer while the areas with the most incidences of insect pests are San Gelacio and Alcate. Furthermore, the areas of concern with the most incidences of pests and diseases are the biggest plantation areas in the municipality with San Antonio having 21-30% share and Alcate with 16-20% share.Read More