Title: The Influential Factors on the Triboelectrochemical Behaviors of the Passive Alloys
Abstract:The tribocorrosion process of Fe_Cr alloys with different Cr content in H2SO4 solution was investigated.The influence of applied load, friction velocity, Cr content and concentration of H2SO4 in solut...The tribocorrosion process of Fe_Cr alloys with different Cr content in H2SO4 solution was investigated.The influence of applied load, friction velocity, Cr content and concentration of H2SO4 in solution on the triboelectrochemical behaviors of the alloys was analyzed. It is shown that applied load and friction velocity have singnificant influence on the tribocurrent density in passive region when friction process occurs on part of the surface of alloy.Increasing the corrosion resistance of alloys or decreasing the aggressive of the solution can reduce the alloy removal velocity.Read More