Title: Analysis of Aloe vera Nano Powder (Aloe vera L.) using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)
Abstract:Abstract Aloe vera gel is considered necessary for further processing into high-value products like nano powder due to its complex but easily damaged nutrients. Aloe vera nanopowder is one solution to...Abstract Aloe vera gel is considered necessary for further processing into high-value products like nano powder due to its complex but easily damaged nutrients. Aloe vera nanopowder is one solution to increase the properties and resistance of Aloe vera so that it can be used for nanotechnology applications, such as thin coatings. In this study, natural gel Aloe vera was converted into Aloe vera powder by adding a concentration of 0.3% Tween 80 and 15% maltodextrin. This method is called the Foam-mat drying method. Using High Energy Milling (HEM-E3D), the powder was mashed for five hours to achieve nanoscale size. The phase of the aloe vera nanopowder was determined by XRD analysis. The peaks 20, which were at an angle of 20°, indicated that the production of the Aloe vera nanopowder was successful. The angle of 20° showed the angle for organic materials and Aloe vera nanopowder is ready to be applied for the fabrication of hydrophobic materials.Read More