Title: PP54 Pre-hospital staff experiences of responding to suicide and self-harm: A semi-structured interview study
Abstract:<h3>Background</h3> Suicidal behaviours and self-harm are associated with an increased risk of suicidal death and make up a significant subset of the mental health calls responded to by ambulance serv...<h3>Background</h3> Suicidal behaviours and self-harm are associated with an increased risk of suicidal death and make up a significant subset of the mental health calls responded to by ambulance services. This prehospital response provides access to medical and psychological care for patients in crisis. A patient's future willingness to engage with services can be compromised by early, healthcare interactions of poor quality. Despite patients and their families describing the quality of prehospital emergency care as 'hit-and-miss', and a reported lack of appropriate prehospital training, related international evidence on the pre-hospital staff experience is lacking. <h3>Methods</h3> After ethical approval was obtained, experienced, registered practitioners with the Irish Prehospital Emergency Care Council were asked to participate in an online recorded, semi-structured interview. 53 expressions of interest were received. A purposively selected, maximum variant sample (n=11) consisting of EMTs, Paramedics and Advanced Paramedics was extracted, consented, and interviewed as part of an ongoing mixed methods study. To gain a deeper understanding of an under-researched area, a descriptive design approach was used. This method will facilitate the collection of straightforward descriptions of studied phenomena that can be used to contribute to change in a practical clinical setting. An interview guide was designed, and participants were asked about their understanding of and experiences of responding to self-harm and suicidal behaviours. Interviews were transcribed and thematic analysis described by Braun and Clark was facilitated using Nvivo software. Analysis is ongoing. <h3>Preliminary Results</h3> Knowledge and understanding comes from colleagues, external sources, and patient interactions. Practice develops informally through trial and error. Clinical guidelines play a minimal role. Empathy and 'soft' interpersonal skills are deemed essential for patient care. Establishing rapport and emotional responses were often reported. <h3>Conclusion</h3> This study highlights the experiences of responding to suicide and self-harm and suggests areas for better prehospital education and care.Read More