Title: Armed Political Conflict Between Supporters of a Civil Rule System and Supporters of a Religious Imamate System in the Sultanate of Oman - Secret British Documents - Oman Encyclopedia Source (1954 - 1971)
Abstract:This research deals with an important topic of contemporary Arab history and focuses precisely on the armed conflict that the Sultanate of Oman witnessed in the period between May 1954; it is the peri...This research deals with an important topic of contemporary Arab history and focuses precisely on the armed conflict that the Sultanate of Oman witnessed in the period between May 1954; it is the period that followed the death of Imam Muhammad bin Abdullah al-Khalili to 1971, the period in which the conflict ended after Sultan Qaboos bin Said bin Taimur assumed power. As for the historical sources of research are completely confined to secret British political documents published by the Center for Arab Unity Studies; it was translated by Dr. Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Muhammad al-Harithi in 2007, in six volumes containing more than ten thousand documents. With regard to the methodology, the researcher followed the historical methodology that is based on investigating the educational material and proving it chronologically to clarify the reality of the events satisfactorily and appropriately; the research between the historical and political methodology focuses on highlighting the basic factors of the conflict and the limitation of scientific material and its trial, on identifying the causes of conflict and show its effects on the spatial framework of the research, which is the Sultanate of Oman. Keywords: Oman, History, Politics, Imamate, International Relations. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/13-7-05 Publication date: April 30 th 2023Read More