Title: Limited Cutaneous Scleroderma: A Case Report
Abstract:Scleroderma is an uncommon disease that affects the connective tissue, causing skin hardening and sometimes organ damage. There are two main forms of scleroderma: localised scleroderma, or morphea, wh...Scleroderma is an uncommon disease that affects the connective tissue, causing skin hardening and sometimes organ damage. There are two main forms of scleroderma: localised scleroderma, or morphea, which usually has a mild and limited course and only affects the skin and/or the tissues below it, and systemic sclerosis, which involves skin hardening and internal organ problems. The cause of localised scleroderma is unknown. Recent studies suggest that this form can have different levels of severity and can affect some organs. To avoid complications due to the high morbidity of localised scleroderma, early treatment is recommended. In this article, we present the main aspects and details of the management of patients with localised scleroderma.Read More