Title: Spiritual Leadership, Organizational Identification and Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior in Hospitality Sector: A Social Exchange Perspective
Abstract:Based on Leader-member exchange theory present study examines the influence of spiritual leadership on unethical pro-organizational behaviors of employees in the hospitality sector of Pakistan by exam...Based on Leader-member exchange theory present study examines the influence of spiritual leadership on unethical pro-organizational behaviors of employees in the hospitality sector of Pakistan by examining the mediating role of organizational identification. Sometimes employees oblige unethical behavior not merely for themselves but for the benefit of their firms. Spiritual leaders prohibit unethical behavior in organizations by cultivating superior exchange relationships with their subordinates. To attain study objectives primary data were gathered by distributing close-ended structured questionnaires from 400 employees working in hospitality firms in Pakistan by employing a convenience sampling technique. PLS-SEM was utilized to test the hypothesis. Spiritual leadership lowers unethical pro-organizational behavior by permitting employees to boost their identification with their organization. As a result, workers are more likely to prescribe UPB in organizational settings. A significant positive association exists between spiritual leadership and UPB via the mediating mechanism of organizational identification. Future studies may embrace the actual phenomena of UPB in organizational premises by structuring multisource research designs and additional antecedents' of UPB.Read More