Title: Material Characterization using a Compact Computed Tomography Imaging Spectrometer with Super-resolution Capability
Abstract:Computed Tomography Imaging Spectrometer (CTIS) systems are snapshot hyperspectral imaging devices capable of capturing dense spectra of static as well as dynamic scenes. A three-dimensional hyperspec...Computed Tomography Imaging Spectrometer (CTIS) systems are snapshot hyperspectral imaging devices capable of capturing dense spectra of static as well as dynamic scenes. A three-dimensional hyperspectral cube is smeared across the spatial dimension via Diffractive Optical Element (DOE) and projected across multiple angles forming a two-dimensional compressed sensor image. In this paper we demonstrate material characterization and classification capability of a compact CTIS system leveraging spectral signatures. Then we propose an approach to simultaneously reconstruct and segment into regions corresponding to different materials hyperspectral images with enhanced spatial resolution from CTIS sensor measurements.Read More