Title: An Annotated Checklist of the Stink Bugs (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) of New Mexico
Abstract:A list of the Pentatomidae of New Mexico with county records and collection dates is given.A total of 87 species of stink bugs is reported for New Mexico with 19 new state records. ___________________...A list of the Pentatomidae of New Mexico with county records and collection dates is given.A total of 87 species of stink bugs is reported for New Mexico with 19 new state records. ____________________Little is known about the stink bugs (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) of New Mexico.A few partial lists of the Heteroptera, including stink bugs, have been compiled for specific regions in the state (e.g., Uhler 1871Uhler , 1876;;Townsend 1894;Van Duzee 1903;Uhler 1904;Barber 1926;Stroud 1950).Also, the Catalog of the Heteroptera (Froeschner 1988) is a valuable reference for state records, including New Mexico, although several pentatomid groups have been revised since its publication.However, little information is available on the distribution of stink bugs within New Mexico.The most comprehensive work is that of Ruckes (1937Ruckes ( , 1938) ) who generated a partial list of the pentatomids for the state based on brief field collections from several regions, with an emphasis on northern New Mexico.Presented here is the first attempt to compile a list of the stink bugs of New Mexico with in-state distributions and collection dates.I am pleased to dedicate this paper to Dr. J. E. McPherson in honor of his contributions to the field of pentatomology.He has been a mentor and friend, introducing me to the Heteroptera.His research has greatly increased our understanding of the biology and morphology of the Pentatomidae and other heteropteran fauna of North America.Figure 1.Counties of New Mexico. ResultsA total of 87 species of pentatomids are reported for New Mexico with 19 new state records. Checklist of Pentatomidae of New MexicoRead More