Title: Competency/Outcome based Effective Clinical Supervision (COBECS) Model of Clinical Supervision in Postgraduate Medical Education: Working Model
Abstract:Abstract Implementation of Competency based medical education (CBME) requires an organized and structured set of interrelated competencies known as a competency framework. Integration of competencies ...Abstract Implementation of Competency based medical education (CBME) requires an organized and structured set of interrelated competencies known as a competency framework. Integration of competencies across residency educational programmes and meaningful competency-based clinical supervision is found to be lacking. Study conducted at Aga Khan University tested a five-dimensional model which can be used for competency based clinical supervision in health professionals at postgraduate medical education level. It investigated various factors, including faculty development through clinical supervisor self-assessment of competencies and resident evaluation to propose a Competency/Outcome-based Model of Clinical Supervision along with its working model.Read More