Title: Pengaruh Suhu Pemanasan Terhadap Waktu Roasting Biji Kopi Arabika Jenis Gayo Varietas Abbysinia Di Tilasawa Coffee Roaster Yogyakarta
Abstract:The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of heating temperature on the time and profile of roasting Arabica coffee beans of the Gayo variety Abbysinia, in order to determine the producti...The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of heating temperature on the time and profile of roasting Arabica coffee beans of the Gayo variety Abbysinia, in order to determine the production cost of roasting Arabica coffee beans. Techniques in data collection are carried out by collecting observational data that will be processed into information. In the process of roasting Arabica coffee beans, data was collected from 3 types of treatments, namely the type of light roasting roasting profile that uses a temperature of 190 Cο, the type of medium roasting roasting profile that uses a temperature of 200 Cο and the type of dark roasting roasting profile with a temperature of 210 Cο. from each treatment there were 3 repetitions of each type of roasting profile and temperature that had been determined, in each repetition using 500 grams of Arabica coffee beans, then roasting was carried out 9 times repeated. The analysis shows that the time of roasting results is very influential in determining the results of Work Capacity (KA), the lowest yield of roasted coffee beans is found in the type of dark roast roasting profile with a temperature of 210 Cο at 76% with roasting time that tends to be short. The lowest operating cost is found in the type of light roast roasting profile of Rp.215,393/kg and the highest operating cost is found in the dark roast of Rp.263,196/kgRead More