Title: Loopholes and Plugging the Loopholes: An Investigation of the Incidents of Attending a University or College by Means of Fraudulence
Abstract:The incident of “attending a University or college by the means of Fraudulence” has not only trampled on the bottom line of educational fairness and social justice but also the dignity of national law...The incident of “attending a University or college by the means of Fraudulence” has not only trampled on the bottom line of educational fairness and social justice but also the dignity of national laws and administrative regulations. There are three main reasons for the repeated occurrence of “attending a college by the means of Fraudulence”: firstly, the lack of strict audit in the admission process of college entrance examination; secondly, the lack of strict review in the admission process of college freshmen; thirdly, the lack of strict supervision in the cultivation process of college talents. In order to effectively prevent the recurrence of the incident of “attending a University or college by the means of Fraudulence”, education administration should join with universities and social third-party organizations to plug the loopholes in the admission process of college entrance examination with systematic audit mechanism, the loopholes in the admission process of new students in universities with systematic review mechanism, and the loopholes in the cultivation of talents in universities with systematic supervision mechanism.Read More