Title: Network Centric Operations In Supporting Tni Operations To Dealing With Irregular Warfare
Abstract:Irregular warfare requires a special strategy for handling it, one of which is through network-centric warfare where NCW is a concept of a command and control system applied in modern military operati...Irregular warfare requires a special strategy for handling it, one of which is through network-centric warfare where NCW is a concept of a command and control system applied in modern military operations, with interoperability capabilities for elements of military power that optimizes the use of defense-based computer network systems. this is done in the context of supporting war military operations and military operations other than war by taking into account aspects of support or availability of intelligence data and information (SIGINT, GEOINT MASINT, OSINT, HUMINT. This writing uses the literature study method by looking at several previous studies, books, and academic papers on existing laws and theoretical foundations to create new analytical results.Read More